GUESS what the other day you turned out to be my KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR, thank god for people like you, who go out of their way to help and get a familiar nod.
always hoping and keeping on praying we do not find such situations where we are helpless and cannot do anything for others, It is a rigorous regimen that we need to implore and just not be the bystanders.Going through those times can be tough thank you! running low but running routine,errand and chores.
- Paramedics
- Person's with I aprons on the T.T.C,
- One friendly neighbor who needs help with shopping bags
- Lift is out of order we need to take the stairs
- When people get locked in a lift as a result of light's out.
- Guidance of our parents and elders
- Belonging to kith and kin
- Pet owner's
- Police service
- Parliament hill
A big THANK YOU greeting won't be keeping you personally in our thoughts and prayer's we get to on move on, with a Chiclets shared with other's on journey or only close family member's, or a kind gesture of snapping us while having a bad day exactly. Sharing one Kleenex with co-worker's lord have mercy on us when we get on sneezing and running nose without a sign.
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