Could not wait without reaching to the destination, yes exactly just a few minutes ago my glance piercing towards the neatly half sand clad cowry shell as though washed ashore by a stormy sea wave. Plunging my tiny vigorous yet energetic hand without resistance oh what a calming feel to it. Little to our surprise, we always having a longing to belong to the beautiful and known world of prize collections, without regret that they maybe lacking of suitability. The knowledge we have on the path we go offering our torments along the way. The agonizing thought gnaw at ourselves as though we could have done better without. Our shortfalls are results of not being open and critical about suffering injury or loss, what's for dinner moms as she unclasps🙇 the string of precious pearls from around my slender neck. It is surely delectable to eat the scrumptious shell-fish from lunch time once again, precocious and mindless of allergies it is the company and taste that takes precedence. {Catch up on the tickling gossip, another astonishing 😲 opportunity}
Suddenly our charismatic pray 💬over is finally this weekend, certainly our group will huddle together for one reason mine usually being their favorite coffee crumble. The worst scenario could be our order arrives later than usual we are made to sit out dwindling our fingers snap out of it🙏. We tried something called road runner cocktail to the envy of our neighbor, wanting to impress was totally out of our custom, we gobbled on a few oysters piled in rows fried with a slight hint of fish sauce and cayenne. Making up for the upset stomach our landlady always comes up with a slew of homemade medications really works she has things like colored peppermints, Epsom salt to knock off your tired feet and chugging on lemon sodas handy remedies must say.
Lambasting in fury at cousins place visiting them, their absolute favorite💫white cheddar sandwiches, whose doing these liking things these days hors d'oeuvre. Hitching along with a bunch can be delightful as well as steering into a new motion, always insightful even with a touch of humorous.we'd love to hear from you! Help us improve by sharing your feedback in short at make your ordinary day into an extraordinary one.
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